Well, this time next week I will have endured a twenty hour flight sans deoderant (ew), returned to the old ball and chain (work) and be forced to live out an entire year in the City of Unfortunate Underwear once again. Great.
Since being home for over a month, I have:
- bought 25 new pairs of outlandish undies that I likely won't wear
- attended 2 baby showers and a Christening
- attended 1 funeral
- skived 2 weddings
- gained 12 pounds
- had 1 fight with my mother (world record, but the week isn't over yet)
- had 0 sexual contacts from anyone of the opposite sex...or same sex for that matter
I have also done a lot of outdoor activity with my friends and by that I mean sitting outside during the evenings gossipping about everyone and everything we can. I have developed quite the aptitude for local gossip. Not bad for a girl who lives five thousand miles away for eleven months of the year. I should feel bad, but I don't because I am certain that the increasing width of my backside has caused many a cackle for the locals.