Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Because I live in This Part of The World, I am now accustomed to the fact that a there is a high percentage of people who do not know the English language. I find this amusing, not because I am a patronizing colonial, but because the misuse of my mother tongue can be just plain fucking hilarious. I realised this when I was walking to work one morning and saw a kindly-looking grandmother (her granddaughter in tow) wielding a T-shirt which read "Let My Dick Buy You a Drink". Now, assuming she didn't have a hubby called Dick, or that she, herself, didn't have an appendage of her own, I can safely say that the poor soul hadn't an inkling of what it meant as she had worn the shirt every morning for a week. A nice native speaker would have tried to explain it's ambiguity to her and perhaps encourage her to sport the usual Hello Kitty-type wear that the locals seem to adore -- but it was just too funny to bother.

I wonder if anyone has actually approached her in hopes of taking her up on the offer?

1 comment:

jLow said...

y'know . . . in this day and age it shouldn't surprise us to find out that someone actually did take up the kindly looking grandmother on her obscene t-shirt offer.