Saturday, April 28, 2007

Congratulations! You Are Now The Coordinator! Again!

After waging war with the administrators at my place of employment in the course of three months over the fact I was "the coordinator" since the beginning of my post, I won my case, and was awarded with the title "coordinator" -- again.

This, to me, is the zenith of workplace insanity. But oh well. Nothing shocks me anymore and I was glad to have the matter sorted once and for all.

However, the icing on the crazy cake was this. A general staff meeting was called in the "important meeting place" and all staff were urged to attend. After we all clamoured in and settled down, the new boss calls me to the front of the "important meeting place" only to present me with an official certificate complete with a company chop and signature indicating that I am now, in effect, the coordinator and had been since April 1st. Of course this not only confused my coworkers who, since September have been flinging shit on my desk and telling me to get it done, (and I gotta say --I am still a little bit confused about this role and not sure what "coordinating all the things" is meant to represent) but it sent me into hysterics. I had to literally bite my lip to the point of pain so as to refrain from laughing out loud.

Anyways, so now I have a shiny new peice of paper to add to my portfolio of crap and a flashy new title. Again. Oh, and more responsibility.

Shoulda kept my big mouth shut.

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