Monday, September 18, 2006

They Suck, They Really Do.


Of all the nights in the week that I am dead tired and manage to slip into a comatose state, for some reason or another I couldn't sleep tonight. So, I got up to turn up the aircon and get a drink in hopes that I could drift off to sleep. And there on my IM list, which I leave on all night and check whenever I pass by, was the phantom ex.

After nine months. Since January. Of zero contact. Of any sort. Whatsoever. He initiates conversation and uses my name to do so "How's life, Metrobabe?". The best I could muster up was 'heya' (so totally not anything I would ever say) and entertain light conversation that consisted of inane banter such as "how is work" and "I heard that you moved" to all of which I replied as flippantly as possible and asked him nothing -- simply because I don't want to know ever that he is doing great and work is great and his ex-who-is-now-likely-his-fiancee- again (and saying that, likely never was his ex while we were together) is doing great too. Fuck.

Now he is just sitting there online, mocking me with his silence. That's fine. Satisfactory, even, because evidently his guilt is what drove him to unblock and chat after all this time. Feeble, weak and pitiful. And it fills my heart with glee.

Sweet, sweet retribution has been made. Ha!


jLow said...

Y'know how guys always talk about certain females being a "psycho bitch"? Yeah . . . well, guys can be just as psycho, too.

Apparently your ex feels some twisted need to see if he can still get a rise out of you (his ego is obviously hungry) - - psycho guys get off on that stuff just like psycho chicks think attempting fake suicide will bring a guy back. (Hubby told me about the time one of his ex-girlfriends tried to jump out of a moving car after they broke up but the idiot wouldn't unhook her seatbelt. My question was: why didn't he unhook it for her?)

Good riddance to your ex-loser.

Lei Ho said...

Dear jlow,
The ex sucks ass. Hence his existence in ex-dom. Good riddance indeed.