1. Unsolicited advice...especially when I am in the midst of a project which requires all of my concentration, and the better part of my lunch hour. I find it rather irksome when someone offers up the "well what
I do is..." bit as they are enjoying their homecooked leftovers. While most do appreciate the consideration, please, just don't bother.
2. Stating the obvious. By writing this, and giving an example, I feel that I am stating the obvious. But how annoying. I feel genuinely sorry for those who feel the need to do this. Perhaps I have done it myself as some conversational 'filler' in an akward situation. Nonetheless, it's irritaiting and completely unnecessary. Some examples are: "Oh, you've cut your hair" or "Wow, I see you are wearing pink" or an email sent to someone's inbox in which they reply "So, you got my email address". Obviously.
3. Group Activities which foster workplace 'morale'. No, thank you. I do not want to play sports, barbeque, have a swingers night, eat at an ethnic restaurant or insert inane time-wasting group activity here ______________. I want to go home and forget for at least 12 hours that I have ever set foot in this place and that I ever had this misfortune of meeting you lot and drift off to sleep with the slightest hope that maybe, someday, I can marry rich or get hit by a tram so that I can finally get a moment's peace. Mind, my coworkers are lovely, but still.
4. People who talk incessantly about work. Yes, quite rich coming from me. However, one can only endure so much shop talk. Perhaps my own workplace issues make me slighly resentful of those who can yammer on and on at length about their nine to five. But I take great comfort in the fact that these are the people who own several cats and/or eat Malox for breakfast.
5. People Who Make Comments About Food. Obviously if someone has taken time to prepare it, or has spent money on it, they like it enough to eat it.
5. People who can pull off the colour tan. Because I enjoy it, but cannot ever wear it. So those who can, upset me.